Bellway – Maybrey Works, Sydenham
Maybrey Works, Sydenham
No of Plots
- 159
Order Value
- 5,000,000.00
Mechanical Work Carried Out
- LTHW plantroom
- BCWS tank room
- LTHW distruibution
- BCWS distribution
- Soils
- Rain water goods
- Gas installation
- Heat metering
- Water treatment
- Chlorination
- Dry risers
- HDPE drainage
- Thermal insulation
- Fit out of all apartments
- Commissioning
- Maintenance
- HIU installation
- Fire ductwork installation
- Irrigation systems
- Sprinklers
- Gym fit out
- Concierge fit out
Electrical Work Carried Out
- Lighting
- Power
- AOV Systems
- TV/IRS Systems
- Door Entry/Access Control
- Ventilation
- Fire Alarm
- Car Charging system
- Billing System